SiStarSpirit - Spiritual Guidance and Dream Analysis
SiStarSpirit - Spiritual Guidance, Dream Analysis, Angel Cards in Elizabeth. Hello and welcome! I am a Medium and Lightworker Specializing in Dreams, Healing, Energy Reading, Card Reading, and Spiritual Guidance. I do readings in any area of your life. Twin Flames, relationships, any unanswered questions you have. Contact with loved ones passed including pets. Natural born clairvoyant, empath, and psychic. Real Authentic People,Healing, Channeling Spirit and guides, connecting with people's loved ones, exploring dreams, dream interpretation, being in nature, learning new things. Inspiring and helping people, humor, movies, writing, Art, Music, and poetry. Narcissists, Dark Energies, Negativity, Fake and closed minded People, Fear, Judgement, Liars, Religion Practice for 20 years.
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